David Shipworth

EnergyREV LEAD for International Engagement and CO-LEAD for Interdisciplinary Knowledge Synthesis

David Shipworth

David Shipworth is Professor of Energy and the Built Environment at the UCL Energy Institute. He is Chair of the User-Centred Energy Systems Technology Collaboration Programme by the International Energy Agency, and is also the UK Government’s Industry and Academic representative to this TCP. He researches systems for provision of demand flexibility within the energy system, in particular demand side response and peer-to-peer energy trading, and roles of consumers and buildings in delivering these. He has a particular interest in the design and evaluation of field trials for providing evidence to government and business, as well as testing the consumer acceptability of, and response to, different flexibility offerings such as Time of Use Tariffs and Home Energy Management Systems. He was EnergyREV’s WP lead for Interdisciplinary Knowledge Synthesis and an executive committee member.