Prospering from the energy revolution – Showcasing the progress so far

Prospering from the energy revolution – Showcasing progress so far

By Jenni McDonnell, Knowledge Transfer Manager, Thermal energy systems, Knowledge Transfer Network

Due to take place on the 18th March 2020, the much anticipated Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund showcase event for the Prospering from the energy revolution (PFER) programme looked in doubt when the UK Government advised that largescale events be cancelled due to COVID 19 fears. Thanks to the heroic efforts of KTN colleagues the event switched over to an online webinar in just three days. An experience not for the faint hearted.

The Showcase was hosted by KTN on behalf of the PFER team (BEIS, UKRI and KTN) and was attended by over 200 online delegates from industry, academia, RTO, local government, finance and media. Delegates joined the event to learn about the cutting-edge approaches to smart local energy systems that are being developed and demonstrated as part of the PFER programme to deliver cleaner, cheaper, energy for consumers, while creating high value jobs and world-leading capability across for the UK

The Showcase event comprised;

- an Introduction to the Prospering from the energy revolution programme.

short pitches from the energy system projects funded in 2018 giving an overview of their energy system design/demonstration.

- a panel discussion with UK energy system experts who discussed how we accelerate the move towards local energy systems of the future.

- a private investment session with 6 private investors highlighting the different types of private investment available and how to prepare for private investment.

- a presentation from EnergyREVthe academic consortium supporting the programme through academic research in the areas of energy systems, consumer engagement, data and ai, policy and finance

- a presentation from ERIS (Energy Revolution Integration Service) provided by the Energy Systems Catapult who are advising the funded projects on business models, commercialisation and system thinking.

You can view recordings of each section of the day through the links provided.

To make the webinar as interactive as possible delegates were encouraged to ask questions during the live sessions and engage directly with the funded projects during the lunch break via the Meeting Mojo app with video conferencing.

Whilst nothing can substitute the atmosphere and networking opportunities of a live event, the online alternative was very well received by delegates.

The live PFER showcase event will return in March 2021. For more information Prospering from the energy revolution