Pattern-IT: A method for mapping stakeholder engagement with complex systems

Author: Hannah Devine-Wright

Published in:  MethodsX Volume 7, 2020, 101123

Date Published: 2 November 2020


Pattern-IT is a participatory, card sorting activity that aims to illuminate the relationships between people, technologies and concepts in complex systems. Pattern-IT combines two methods: card sorting [11] and mapping sentences [2,6]. Depending on the aims and scope of the research or topic, Pattern-IT can be used in an exploratory, descriptive, or interpretative manner. It is a co-created, adaptable and enjoyable method that can be used with individuals or groups, in-person or online, with or without facilitation. In this paper, Pattern-IT was conducted face-to-face in a moderated group setting using physical cards to explore engagement by project partners with publics involved in implementing Smart Local Energy Systems (SLES). SLES are decentralised energy systems that use information communication technologies (e.g. smart meters, blockchain, real-time pricing) to connect low carbon energy generation (e.g. solar PV) with energy storage and energy services (e.g. electric vehicles).

  • A method that combines card sorting and mapping sentences.
  • Uses mapping sentences as an organising and data generating tool.
  • A novel co-created participatory method for use with individuals or groups.

Keywords: Card sorting; Mapping sentences; Multiple sorting task; Co-creation; Workshop; Stakeholder engagement

Insights for EnergyREV:

Pattern-IT is a new participatory methodology that can be used with individuals or groups, in-person or online, with or without facilitation. It reveals the relationships between people, technologies and concepts in complex systems and can be used in an exploratory, descriptive, or interpretative manner.